F5 MFG Modular Brace System (MBS) Cyberarm Brace with 50 Round Drum for Stribog – Combo

F5 MFG Modular Brace System (MBS) Cyberarm Brace with 50 Round Drum for Stribog – Combo

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Are you tired of holding your Stribog awkwardly? Pick up one of our Cyberarm brace products to combine with a 50rd drum magazine. This creates not only a far more stable and accurate shooting platform, but it just looks trick! All billet drum and brace to really put the finishing touch on your Stribog.

**HIGH DEMAND PRODUCT – May take 4-6 weeks for delivery**

*All sales are final, no refunds, or exchanges.*

SKU: F5-MBSCADCSB-BLK Categories: , , , ,
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